Monday, August 30, 2010

There's none like this over there

I've heard there's no Yum Cha culture in Mexico City.

Asian cuisine is one of Sydney's greatest assets, and the "Yum Cha sunday" ritual is followed by all -rumours claim it to be an excellent cure for hangover, and some families even dress up for it.

Sure there will be delicacies in Mexico I've only dreamed of, but a run down palace of Yum Cha will be missed dearly.
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

The system works (sometimes)

For what it's worth: the Road and Transport Authority of New South Wales is pretty much considered to be at the bottom of the ladder in regards to customer service and efficacy.

Countless stories of drama and incompetence seem to center in the RTA and to be honest, in my 12 years here, I have never, ever been treated without courtesy and professionalism.

I just got my driver's licence replaced in 10 minutes. It took longer for me to write about it in the blog. And all for the princely sum of $22.
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Bye-bye birdie

Some birds are lucky.

Take Io, our ill-tempered blue pet budgie. He could have ended his days flying away, getting eaten by a cat, or simply droning away in a dark cage, sadly surviving some idiotic owners.

But not our Io -he's now off to new, sunnier premises, working as in-house pet at Jacob's Ladder preschool in Rose Bay.

From the moment Gabriel and I walked into his new room, it was all fun and games. Now Io is sharing his life with a dozen of three-year olds and with Morgan, his new "human associate" whilst we are in Mexico.

Because a budgie that surly won't settle for an owner - he would prefer to have an agent.
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bye-bye Jenn

We're now in a pretty ordinary food court in Sydney Airport, guzzling down some average coffee and waiting before Jenn walks to the security check and customs.

Check-in at Qantas was surprisingly easy and laid-back -if you arrive three hours before the flight is due, on a thursday, you are guaranteed to find a smiling customer rep that will check you in immediately. Why bother lining up like cattle, if you can at least be civilised about it?

The last few minutes are now ticking and we are bracing ourselves for a temporary goodbye -we'll miss you so much, Jenn. Lots and lots of love and we will see you in Mexico in a short while.

Te amo, compañera. Cuidate y ten un buen viaje.
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Monday, August 16, 2010

All that goes well ends well

So here we are - after 3 months of continuous stress and mayhem with the relocation, having scrumptious italian at Fratellis in Waterloo.
The sun shines on us and the plate of Parma Ham beckons. A glass of Chianti helps bring out the best conversationalist in us.
We're now closing a cycle. Jenn is leaving to Mexico in 3 days.
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

A new (visa) beginning

Yesterday we got the long awaited news: Jennifer can move to Mexico now. It seems that after all the hassle, the embassy was wrong and she can finish the process whilst over there.

Today we got her a return flight to Mexico City, departing on Thursday August 19th, at 1.05pm. There is a return to Sydney in the next few months, but it will be a surprise.

Now we all have a date for the beginning of the end. Until we come back next time.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bureaucrats of the world, unite

Waiting. How latin american.

The embassy of the world's 15th largest economy has kept us waiting another week because "internet is down" and they could not email us with an appointment date for the business visa.

Francisco de Goya
"El sueño de la razón produce monstruos"
Bureaucracy: from the French bureau: desk, and the Greek kratia: power, "The rule of public servants".

Usually interpreted as any unreasonable red tape and difficulty in dealing with the public service.

Jennifer's name and place of birth were transcribed incorrectly (by them) - my date of birth was also entered incorrectly (by them) - But it is our fault, you see? We're the ones moving to Mexico, so we have to be the ones that got to have this mess sorted out.

In other countries of the world -Oz included- someone with the qualifications and professional experience that Jennifer has would be treated like royalty. Or at least like a very lucrative investment in terms of taxes and technology transfer.

But in our dear culture, where the sleep of reason produces monsters, and the powers that be are as blind as any of those bats, petty issues like egos, inertia, incompetence or utter ignorance take precedence to practicalities and potential benefits.

They are even more important than the satisfaction of a job well done.

Now we have to wait again until our contact in Mexico corrects our details. Never mind that we sent certified copies of our passports, so that our details would be correct from the word "Go".

Very latin american indeed, and a portent of things to come.